The Parish Council is intending to submit an application for a small 20mph zone to be implemented in the centre of Steeple Morden. We will only proceed with this application to the County Council if there is good support for this initiative from local residents. This survey asks for your opinion on this initiative.
The proposed 20mph zone runs from just South of Craft Way to just North of Church Farm Lane and also out just West of Russell Close. The zone does not include Craft Way, Church Farm Lane or Russell Close.
Could you please respond to this survey by 7th April 2023 by either:
- Marking this paper and handing it in at Protheros reception
- Scanning or photographing your paper and emailing it to
- Completing the on-line response form here.
UPDATE 02 April 2023 – the on-line survey limit has been reached, so if you still want to complete the survey please print out the survey form, complete it by hand and hand it in to reception at Protheros garage.