
Come and help on the Parish Council!

Election of Parish Councillors for the South Cambridgeshire parishes:

Parish: Steeple Morden                 Parish Councillors to be elected: Nine

Can you contribute to the smooth running of the local area? Applications are now being taken for places and we ask that you consider applying to add to the mix of skills and interests that we are already lucky enough to enjoy on the parish council. The more actively involved people we have, the easier it is to provide a good service to the local community.

For further information and to discuss the role, please contact any of the existing Parish Councillors who will be happy to talk to you about the opportunity.

Forms of nomination for parish or town council elections may be obtained from the Clerk of the Parish Council and are also now available here. Note: Nomination papers must be submitted before Tuesday, 5 April 2022.

If any election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday, 5 May 2022. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by midnight on Thursday 14 April 2022. Applications can be made online, here.

For the full Notice of Election and Nominations please click here.

A useful guide to becoming a Parish Councillor can be found here.

Newsletter Special Bulletin for Elections

Steeple Morden Parish Council