County Broadband (CBB) are currently installing a new full-fibre network across the area and this is requiring some civil engineering works. In the main, CBB can use existing BT/Openreach poles and underground ducts but in a few places new infrastructure needs to be installed or the existing services renewed. The resulting trenching, pole planting and cable stringing will cause some disruption. The Parish Council have met with CBB to understand the schedule and will attempt to help with communications to avoid problems where possible.
The main works should be complete by the end of April 2022 and then individual premises that opt for the service will be connected. All works should be completed by the end of June. CBB do have an obligation to re-instate after their work and this includes an inspection by the highways authority six months after the work is undertaken and the responsibility for the re-instatement works rests with CBB for two years.
The Parish Council asks that everyone try and be patient and tolerant during this period. Should issues arise that cannot be resolved by talking constructively with the contractors on-site, it is suggested that the issue is raised with Councillor Bird <> who has stepped forward to try and coordinate communications with the project team at CBB.